Build Your Own Snowman Felt Play Kit

playing felt snowman

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Every year for Christmas I try to craft something for the kids in the girl’s class, because it’s fun and I like the idea that the kids will get at least one handmade thing for the holidays. build a felt snowman kit

This year it was a felt play kit that allows them to make and remake a snowman.

I got the idea (and the basic template) from I Can Teach My Child. I used stiff blue felt for the board, and picked up some sparkly white felt to cut the snowmen out of.

making felt snowman bag
It’s all fun and games until the finger bruising; I feel fully justified in keeping every scrap of felt ever; the tag without a child’s name.

Other than that, I used my massive felt stash to cut out hats, scarves, arms, buttons, eyes and noses. Each kit has two hats — a top hat and a stocking cap — and two scarves. One scarf and the stripe on the hat are in the child’s favorite color (or what the girl said was their favorite, anyway).

They all got red pom poms on top of green stocking caps, and all the buttons are red and yellow. Pop all of the above in a gallon-sized food storage bag and you’ve got a great gift for creative kids on the go.

I started on these yesterday afternoon while the girl was watching TV and finished up after she went to bed. I also made the little tags, which were labeled for each child.

The girl wanted to play with hers this morning before school and she insisted they needed mouths, too, since I drew smiles on the snowmen on the tags. This one is so literal! So I quickly freehand cut four little black circles for the mouth (not pictured).

playing felt snowman
The girl made a snowman before school.

She really liked hers and I hope the other kids do, too. It’s an easy kit to expand, too, as you can see on the original link, where she did buttons of different colors and shapes. You could also do different hats, different mouths and eyes and so on.

Do your kids like to play with felt shapes? I’d love to hear about it.

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