Five Tips for Staying Healthy in the Indoor Season

insync probiotics

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Do you keep healthy with a natural probiotic? Diet and exercise? I’d love to hear your tips!

I don’t know how it’s been where you live, but if you live just about anywhere in the United States I’ll bet you think this winter has gone on entirely too long. And if you and your family members have managed to stay healthy the whole time (I can tell you mine haven’t) you probably consider yourself really lucky.

Whether you’re trying to stay healthy or getting over a winter illness, there are some simple things you can do to lessen your risk of getting sick when everyone is stuck inside and germs seem to be everywhere. Here’s my winter weather survival plan.fruit

1. Get Your Fruit and Veggies

Vitamins are so important for maintaining good health, and it’s better to get them from real food than from supplements. I’ve made it a goal recently to add a fruit and a vegetable serving each day, which means pretty much all the snacking I’m doing is produce.

Foods that are dark in color have the most beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, but really any fruit and veg you can add to your diet is a good thing.

2. Exercise

Getting regular physical activity is great for boosting the immune system. Getting the blood flowing lowers stress hormones, which can also lower your risk of getting sick. Some studies have even shown that exercising with a cold can help your body fight infection (though of course you shouldn’t work out when you’re truly sick).

Though I haven’t been able to work out on days the girl is home from school, most other days during the week I work out about 45 minutes a day and I’m sure that’s helped me stay healthy this season.insync probiotics

3. Probiotics

Between holiday parties to kick off the cold season and often eating less of the good stuff because so many of our favorites our out of season, even people who haven’t been on antibiotics might be suffering from a digestive imbalance that leads to upset stomach.insync natural probiotics

Probiotics are strains of helpful bacteria that are thought to help promote good health in the digestive system. Because antibiotics can kill good bacteria as well as bad, supplemental probiotics can be beneficial to bring about healthy gut balance after being on medication, but they’re also thought to be helpful for preventing infections and aiding in digestive system balance in other people as well.

The #NaturalProbiotic in Insync Probiotics is a doctor recommended combination of six strains including B.Infantis with GI Guard, which helps protect the probiotics from stomach acid so they can get to where they’re needed. (Thanks to #CollectiveBias for telling me about them!)walgreens insync

The gradual release combination makes it perfect for busy lives, because you only have to take one pill to get the benefits all day. I found these at Walgreens, the place you go to get healthy and stay healthy (because, if you’re like me, there’s one two minutes from your door.) Learn more about them on Facebook or Twitter.

4. Get Outside When You Can

I know this isn’t possible everywhere, but if you do happen to get a warm snap, take advantage of it. We had a lovely weekend in the 50s and 60s and are looking at a great week ahead, and you can bet we’re taking advantage of it.

Even if it’s not that warm, try to get outside a little bit on the days when it’s not dangerous to do so. It will do everyone’s spirit good, and it makes getting some physical activity in that much easier and more fun.playing outside winter

5. Try to Enjoy It

Even though it seems like it now, winter does not last forever. While we may not love being stuck inside and the increase in illness that brings, we’ll probably all miss that slower pace of life come summer when we can’t get all of our family in one room at the same time.

I know it’s hard to remember the good parts, but I’m sure more than a few of us will be thinking longingly of snow this summer.

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