Guardians of the Galaxy Mix Tape Gift Box Helps You #OwntheGalaxy

awesome mix tape gift box diy

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Make a mix tape inspired gift box to give Guardians of the Galaxy toys and movie this holiday.We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy at the movie theater, and I’ll admit I had no real idea what it was about. I ended up really liking it — even with a talking racoon! — and I think it would make a great at-home movie night neighbor gift or a present for a kid (or adult!) who loves space movies, classic rock and silliness. You can #OwntheGalaxy for the holidays with the release of the new Blu-Ray/DVD/HD edition of the film December 9, which includes:

  • Exclusive character O-sleeve
  • Exclusive music zinepack
  • 64-page magazine with cast and crew interviews, exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and trivia
  • Custom โ€œcassette” laptop decal

It’s easy to gift a movie night complete with toys and extra fun on your next run to Walmart. They have a great display full of Guardians toys and action figures.Walmart Guardians of the Galaxy display

Look around the store and you’ll find other great stuff like Guardians Legos, the fabulous Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack (alas, not on cassette tape) and Guardians of the Galaxy figures for Disney Infinity 2.0. Even better, if you buy a Groot, Drax or Rocket Raccoon figure for Disney Infinity 2.0, you’ll automatically get a $5 Walmart gift card when you check out.guardians of the galaxy walmart

In anticipation of the release, I picked up some Guardians of the Galaxy toys, the soundtrack, popcorn and other goodies to help me gift a movie night. guardians of the galaxy toys

To make the gift even more fun, I decided to make a mix tape gift box to hold it all. It’s a pretty easy project (though there are a lot of details involved) that makes a big statement under the tree or left for a neighbor for a special holiday surprise.

What You’ll Needguardians of the galaxy mix tap gift box

  • a large white gift box
  • cherry red duct tape
  • cutting mat, ruler and craft knife
  • black and white craft foam
  • white cardboard or card stock
  • jar lids (I used a mason jar for the black and a bottled coffee lid for the white)
  • glue
  • scissors
  • Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack (optional, but super helpful for getting in the mood and to use as a model)

What You’ll Docutting tape

Pop that CD in the player. Measure a length of tape the same length as your box (mine was 17 inches). Stick to your mat.

The stripes on the mix tape get progressively narrower as you go up the tape. I started with a 1-inch wide stripe, then a half inch, a quarter inch, two of an eighth of an inch and one even narrower than that. (You’ll need two lengths of tape to cut out all these pieces.) Use your ruler to make a straight edge and cut the tape.first stripe

Place it on the box.mix tape stripes

Keep going through 8 stripes total. I eyeballed the distance between them, but you can be more precise if you like.mix tape gift box diy

For the center tape part of the cassette, I started with a piece of white cardboard measuring 7 inches wide and 4 inches tall. The exact size isn’t that essential, but it needs to be rectangular. (For accuracy it will cover the top stripe and go down to just above the second stripe from the bottom.)

Use a jar lid and the black foam to make the tape part of tape

Use the coffee lid to make the disc that holds the tape. I freehand drew the spokes and cut them out with a craft knife.awesome mix tape gift box diy

Use glue to put all these pieces together and attach them to the box.guardians of the galaxy gift box

Write Awesome Mix Vol. 1 across the top.awesome mix tape gift box diy

Fill the box with goodies.guardians under the tree

Get ready to #OwntheGalaxy.

Do you give neighbor gifts or gifts that are an experience as much as a thing? I’d love to hear your ideas!

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  1. brilliant! Love the box idea, seriously. Now I am wishing we had done a Guardians theme for the boychild this xmas. He already has Starlord’s blaster, and he’s just not an action figure kid… now, if there were LEGO sets involved… ๐Ÿ™‚

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