One Little Word 2015

one little word simplify

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I had a great time with my One Little Word back in 2013. My word was “create,” and while I petered out a little in the second half of the year, I feel like it was a good way to guide my thinking and what I tried to do with my time through the year.

Initially my word for 2014 was “grow,” which seemed like a good idea at the time. There were lots of big changes I wanted to make, things I wanted to try.

But, really, I had a book to write.

And that consumed a lot of my year.

I unoffically changed my word to calm, but even that didn’t get much attention.

Still, I value the idea of having a touchstone for the year, so I wanted to try it again.

The Year of Simple

So, for 2015, my word is little word simplify

I want everything to be simpler, easier, calmer (again).

I want to simplify

  • my work schedule
  • my routines
  • my dealings with social media
  • my mornings
  • my household (that’s clutter, but also cleaning and organizing so that it’s simple to find what you need when you need it)
  • access to creativity (if such a thing is possible)
  • my yarn stash (organization as well as knitting more)
  • my stash of knits (hello, etsy shop!)
  • my focus

Simplifying is about having less is terms of stuff, stress and mental clutter.subtract the obvious

But it’s also about having more time, space and peace.

In a house that is simple, people are more at ease.

With a work schedule that is simple, I can more easily take time away without feeling rushed.

When social media is made simpler, I won’t waste whole days wondering what I did with myself (I hope!).

When routines are simple, I can maintain healthy habits without thinking about them.

All of that sounds totally worth it to me. And just having the word in my mind is already helping me to focus on making little changes in my environment and my attitude that I’m sure I’ll be sharing as time goes on.

I know I want to go through the house systematically decluttering and organizing. I will probably share insights and tips on certain areas or certain kinds of stuff as I go.

Once the clutter is gone, displaying what you love is a big part of simple living to me, so there may be some posts about that as well. And of course as I figure out my routines and what’s working for me, I will certainly share that, too.

Do you have a word, phrase or guiding principle for 2015? I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. Sounds like my word for last year: Less.
    I sure found a lot of ways to apply it! Less dusting, for instnace! 😉

    Hope you enjoy your New (simple) Year is blessed! 🙂

  2. I love your word choice and although simplify wasn’t formally my word last year, I did get rid of lots of clutter. I especially like the idea of displaying what you love.

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