Watch Paint Dry {Craft Challenge, Day 80}

Watch paint dry and see what happens.

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This is a project that takes more than one day to complete, but the active part of it is only a few minutes.Watch paint dry and see what happens.

I was inspired by some paint that I accidentally left in the bottom of a bowl recently. When it was dry it peeled up in a cool way and I wanted to keep it (though I did throw it away).

So I decided to see what would happen if I left paint to dry on a surface on purpose.pouring paint on bowl

I decided to pour paint on the outside of the same bowl and leave it for a few days to see what would happen.wet paint on bowl

I started with blue, then added green and purple.

It’s surprisingly fun to spill paint on purpose. It almost looks like a globe, which was completely unintentional.drying paint

Then just observe for a few days. Or watch paint dry, if you will. One day in it was already starting to dry and crack.dry paint on bowl

I thought it might come out more like a solid piece, but it cracked and the colors blended and it looks like stained glass in a way I’m not sure I’m able to capture in pictures but it’s really cool.

And the air bubbles look like stars in far-out space. I love it.cracked dry paint

I have no idea what I will do with a bunch of shards of stain-glassy paint, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something. It will be great in collages.

I wish it were a little thicker so I could make it into jewelry, but I don’t think it would be able to stand trying to poke a hole in it.

What do you think? What would you do with dried paint? I’d love to hear your thoughts, and see what happens if you try this experiment.

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