Outline a Shape with Designs {Craft Challenge, Day 79}

Outline a shape with designs to highlight negative space

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I’m relatively certain there’s a fancy artsy name for what I’m doing in this challenge. Maybe a negative space drawing or something like that.Outline a shape with designs to highlight negative space

The idea is that you have a shape, which you can draw, cut out and tape down, whatever, then you outline a shape with designs, so when you take the shape away you still see it.bunny on card stock

I used a bunny because I already had these printed (from East Coast Mommy if you want your own).

Start with a piece of paper or card stock.

Print out or draw your image, cut it out and tape it to the card. I used painter’s tape so it would pull up easily.filling in design outline

Use markers, crayons, pencils, little stickers, paint, whatever to decorate up to the edges of the design.

I used a variety of colors and sort of repeating patterns on mine.finished outline bunny shape

Then you’re done, remove the image and you should still see its shadow in the negative space.

Did I say see its shadow? I’m totally doing this with a groundhog next time.

Have you ever done a project using negative space like this? I’d love to hear about it.

If you try this project I would love to see your results!

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