Draw a Self Portrait

Draw a self portrait, even if you're not "an artist."

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I’ve had a longstanding goal to get better at drawing (and have had a barely cracked copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain for years) but I never really take the time to practice.

It’s something I want to do more of this year and I will probably end up including drawing in a lot of these challenges to get myself to do it. Draw a self portrait, even if you're not "an artist."

Drawing can be done anywhere, anytime, by anyone. No matter your skill or the amount of time you have available.

Let’s try it today with another self portrait, this time a drawn one.

How to Draw a Self Portrait

It’s not that hard to draw a self portrait, especially if you try to do it fast and don’t pay that much attention to quality.

I pulled up a picture of myself on Facebook, started with the outline, then drew in features. I did it fast; this probably took about five minutes. I know, you can tell, but if I had let myself think about it, it would have been worse.

My effort is no way in proportion — I mean, yeah, my chin is big, but woah — but I did add a little green sweater, and I’m not so embarrassed that I won’t share it with you. my self portait

The point of this whole challenge is for me — and you, too, I hope — to do things we wouldn’t otherwise do, to step outside the comfort of crafts and creative things we already do pretty well and try some new things.

It doesn’t have to be good. It’s maybe better if sometimes it’s not good.

We need to be beginners. To be willing to be awkward. To have fun even when it is awkward, and to try again and maybe be a little less awkward the next time.

I hope you’ll join me in this challenge, even — especially — if you don’t consider yourself an artist or a person who is good at drawing.

If you do try it, I’d love to see what you come up with. Tag your creations on social with #ourdailycraft. And if you want to keep up with all the challenges in one weekly email, please subscribe to my newsletter!

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