Monthly Goals: Take it All in

June goals update

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It’s been a while since I talked about, or really even thought about, my One Little Word for the year, which is clear.

Halfway through the year I hoped I’d have clarity about my work, clearer spaces in my home and clear systems in my work.

I do have a little more clarity in my work thanks to the 152 days I made it into my daily posting challenge, and the fact that I’m no longer working for my biggest client. But that means I need to re-focus my efforts on things that make more money, and get clear about how I’m going to do that.June goals update

But right now I feel like nothing is clear because June is going to be a wild month. The girl is home from school one more week, then we’re both going to school two weeks out of the month (where I’ll be teaching tiny but enthusiastic — I hope! — fiber arts classes) and another week will be filled with a much-needed vacation.

So my goal for the month is to take it all in. To enjoy, as much as possible, the time with the girl without stressing too much about teaching or vacation prep. To enjoy all those things, and the vacation, too, without worrying about the work that might not be getting done (it was actually a really good time to break with a big client, because there’s a lot less pressure, but still some).

It has been a long time since I’ve managed any meditation, but being in the moment as much as possible is all I really want and need to accomplish this month.

That’s what summer is all about, right? Moments with family and friends, making memories, trying new things.

It doesn’t feel like much of a goal, but not getting my brain ahead of my body is a huge challenge. If I can do it, it will be better for everyone, but especially me.

Monthly Goals Linkup

So, that’s my goal for the month of June; what’s yours? If you’re a blogger and you write about goals, you can link up your post below. Otherwise, feel free to share in the comments!

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