My family does not do a great job eating bananas. We seem to buy some almost every week, but a week rarely goes by when we actually finish a bunch before it turns brown. So I have several go-to banana bread recipes, including one that’s been in my mom’s family now four generations. The original […]
Found It On Pinterest: The Great Playdough Throwdown, Part Two
For the second round of the Great Pinterest Playdough Throwdown, I tried a pretty basic recipe (courtesy of the blog adeylnSTONE), which may actually be the recipe I tried the first time I made playdough (though I thought that one called for more cream of tartar; no matter). I like using Kool-Aid as a coloring […]
Things I Love: My Notebooks
We all have different ways of trying to keep organized. Some people keep calendars in their email or on their phones. Some people have paper calendars. Some people write lists. I have notebooks. I call them “my brain” because if I lost them, I’d lose it. My notebooks are a dumping ground, a storage system, […]
Pantry Raid
Clearly I watch too much Food Network. Last week I was talking about “here’s what’s happening” and this week I’m stealing episode titles from “Good Eats.” Shameful. Over the weekend I decided at the last second, hours before going to a friend’s house for dinner, that I was going to make a pasta salad to […]
Woman’s Dress to Dress up Clothes
Last year sometime I read an article online, which I did not keep so I can’t give credit to, all about using teen and women’s formal dresses from the thrift store as dress up clothes for little girls. I thought this was a fabulous idea, and when my MOPS group had a rummage sale I […]
Warning: Do Not Leave Child Unattended
I originally thought this post might be a good entry for Listen to Your Mother, but then I decided there’s no way there’s a moral or heartwarming end to this story. So I share it with you now. You’re welcome. I am lucky to be a work-at-home mom whose child goes to day care. For […]
Found it on Pinterest: The Great Playdough Throwdown, Part One
For some reason I can’t explain, I have never bought the bit playdough. I made her some a long time ago that she was mostly interested in eating. When we moved to our new house I gave it to her to play with and it was really crumbly and made a mess all over […]