The Case for Taking Pictures with Our Kids

Yesterday was our monthly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, and this month our speaker was a professional photographer and mom who specializes in taking pictures of kids and families. She was there to tell us how to take better pictures of our kids, but she was also there to give us a talking to about […]

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Getting Ready for Rhea Lana’s!

I’m not typically an incredibly frugal person, but I do know that kids, especially young kids, go through clothes at an alarming rate. Not only do they grow fast, they stain and wear out clothes fast, so it makes sense to have a lot of options available for your little ones to choose from. I […]

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Work Expands

For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Parkinson’s Law, which says that work expands to fill the time you have for it. I think we can all relate to that. Though my work tends to expand to the point of overflow, my ideas expand well beyond my ability to capture them and […]

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30 Minute Crafts: Shadowboxing

This is a golden-oldie of a craft that I never managed to get posted, but it’s from my daughter’s birthday back in September. I had a bunch of cute baby stuff, like her hat from the hospital (or, even cuter, the first hat I knit for her tiny preemie head), our hospital bands, some of […]

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