Nine Books: Flesh and Blood

I finished my first book of the Nine Books for ’09 challenge a few days ago. It was Flesh and Blood by Michael Cunningham. I completely fell in love with Cunningham as I was reading The Hours, which is just a really great book with such a twist! Eventually I’ve been very slowly working my […]

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My Rereading List

A few days ago I wrote about my nine books for 2009, but of course I’m going to read a lot more than that this year. Thinking about reading lists got me thinking about the handful of books I’ve read more than once, the books I enjoy going back to every five years or so […]

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Books for 2009

I’ve been thinking a lot about reading lists lately. I’m kind of obsessed with them. I think there’s a part of me that thinks if I could ever finish a reading list, then I’d really be able to say that I was educated, that I’d really read some books. (Technically, I’ve read all the books […]

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The Creativity of Stock

Making vegetable stock (or really any other kind of stock, but vegetable is the only kind I make) is in a way an act of creativity. It’s a way of using things that would otherwise be considered trash or that might go to waste if you didn’t throw them in the pot with some water. […]

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