I told you yesterday that I was going to make something fun with the painted washers, so here’s what I came up with. Make simple washer bracelets to go with your washer necklace, or use them as keychains, zipper pulls or in other fun ways. How to Make Washer Bracelets I will admit that making […]
Painted Washers {Craft Challenge, Day 131}
In addition to the larger washers I had in my stash, one of which I used to make a washer necklace, I also have a box of 100 1/4 inch washers I wanted to do something with. I’ve seen a lot of people paint washers with nail polish, but I wanted to try some different […]
Make a Washer Necklace {Craft Challenge, Day 13}
This week’s craft challenges are inspired by some materials I bought at the home improvement store probably more than two years ago, if I’m being honest. It’s fun to rediscover supplies you maybe forgot about or just haven’t used in a long time, because it’s like going shopping in your house. You get new things […]
Try to Really Draw a Face {Craft Challenge, Day 121}
If you’ve been following along for very long at all, you probably know that I am not that great at drawing, and it is a skill that I would like to improve. So I’m setting myself some drawing challenges, the first of which was to try to really draw a face. This was inspired by […]
Recycle All Around the Home with an Upcycled Recycling Box
We are thoughtful about recycling throughout the house, but for some reason the bathroom recycling just piles up, like it’s too much effort to collect and put in the bin in the garage. We’re not alone in this problem, as a survey conducted in partnership with Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. found that 34 percent […]
Colored Aluminum Foil {Craft Challenge, Day 106}
Earlier this week, husband made individual pot pies in little ramekins. They were adorable, and delicious, and the leftovers resulted in there being a few little pieces of aluminum foil floating around the house after I at some of them for lunch the next day. So of course I had to figure out something to […]
Hand-Lettered Envelopes {Craft Challenge, Day 103}
Now that we have a note card, write a quick note to let someone know you’re thinking of them, then get ready to address the envelope. Hand-lettered envelopes make the inside of the note almost as much fun as the outside, and this is a skill I really want to cultivate, so I guess I […]