We are thoughtful about recycling throughout the house, but for some reason the bathroom recycling just piles up, like it’s too much effort to collect and put in the bin in the garage. We’re not alone in this problem, as a survey conducted in partnership with Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. found that 34 percent […]
Colored Aluminum Foil {Craft Challenge, Day 106}
Earlier this week, husband made individual pot pies in little ramekins. They were adorable, and delicious, and the leftovers resulted in there being a few little pieces of aluminum foil floating around the house after I at some of them for lunch the next day. So of course I had to figure out something to […]
Hand-Lettered Envelopes {Craft Challenge, Day 103}
Now that we have a note card, write a quick note to let someone know you’re thinking of them, then get ready to address the envelope. Hand-lettered envelopes make the inside of the note almost as much fun as the outside, and this is a skill I really want to cultivate, so I guess I […]
Make a Note Card {Craft Challenge, Day 102}
In the continuing spirit of making something for someone else, this week we’re going to spend some time working on snail mail. I have one friend who I sometimes write to in real cards and letters (hi, Jamie!) and I haven’t sent him anything in a while so I thought it would be fun to […]
Draw a Sea Monster {Craft Challenge, Day 97}
I think we need to bring back sea monsters on maps. They’re kind of the perfect way to illustrate uncharted territory, the unknown places that could be really scary or really cool or some of both. Today’s challenge is to draw a sea monster of your own devising. Maybe it’s a manifestation of the uncharted […]
Accessorize Your Every Day
I think the title for this post — Accessorize your every day — may be my new tag line. It’s sort of what I want out of life, to make every day a little more special, but in easy ways. Like it makes your day brighter when you wear your favorite necklace (or shawl, in […]
Weaving on a Stick
This perfect stick was sitting on the sidewalk in front of our house for a few days. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That Y would be great for a little bit of weaving, I thought. And when I came across this collection of pictures of weaving on a stick, I knew I had to […]