Make a Note Card {Craft Challenge, Day 102}

Make a note card to send to someone through the mail.

In the continuing spirit of making something for someone else, this week we’re going to spend some time working on snail mail. I have one friend who I sometimes write to in real cards and letters (hi, Jamie!) and I haven’t sent him anything in a while so I thought it would be fun to […]

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Draw a Sea Monster {Craft Challenge, Day 97}

Draw a sea monster from the map of your imagination.

I think we need to bring back sea monsters on maps. They’re kind of the perfect way to illustrate uncharted territory, the unknown places that could be really scary or really cool or some of both. Today’s challenge is to draw a sea monster of your own devising. Maybe it’s a manifestation of the uncharted […]

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Accessorize Your Every Day

accessorize your every day with simple additions to common use items.

I think the title for this post — Accessorize your every day — may be my new tag line. It’s sort of what I want out of life, to make every day a little more special, but in easy ways. Like it makes your day brighter when you wear your favorite necklace (or shawl, in […]

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Weaving on a Stick

Weave on a stick to bring some nature in.

This perfect stick was sitting on the sidewalk in front of our house for a few days. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That Y would be great for a little bit of weaving, I thought. And when I came across this collection of pictures of weaving on a stick, I knew I had to […]

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Decorate an Old CD

make art with an old CD

This is one of those crafts that didn’t work out quite the way I envisioned, but I still really like it. Odds are good most of us have some old CDs lying around, whether music or data or even an old DVD you never watch anymore. Today I want you to use one — or […]

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Bottle Cap Bead Magnets

Easy craft bottle cap magnets

We regularly have people over on Sunday nights, and this past Sunday I noticed a bottle cap on the counter and decided I wanted to use it in some kind of craft. It also happens that not too long ago (when I taught sewing at the girl’s school) I had cleaned out some of my […]

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