Make a Note Card {Craft Challenge, Day 102}

Make a note card to send to someone through the mail.

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In the continuing spirit of making something for someone else, this week we’re going to spend some time working on snail mail. Make a note card to send to someone through the mail.

I have one friend who I sometimes write to in real cards and letters (hi, Jamie!) and I haven’t sent him anything in a while so I thought it would be fun to make something to send.

You can of course make a note card any way you want, but since he lives in a different state and the shape of Arkansas is so fun I decided to decorate my note card with the shape of the state.

To do this all you need is a cutout of your state’s shape (I got mine from Free Stencil Gallery), a note card or card stock to make one and some coloring tools. state shape note card

First I traced the outline of the state in red Sharpie. colored in state shape

I colored it in with colored pencil, but you could use pencil, marker, crayon, whatever you have handy. state greetings notecard

I wrote in “greetings from” in black marker and drew in a star in yellow where my town is, but you can’t really see it. A star sticker would be perfect here. greetings from arkansas notecard

Then I wrote Arkansas in the blank space on the side, but that’s not really necessary.

This cute little card was done in just a few minutes. It would be a great one to reproduce if you are the sort of person who sends real notes often, but even if you only make one it’s nice and easy.

Do you write letters or cards to people? I’d love to hear who you send them to, or who you would like to send your DIY note card to. If you make one, I’d also love to see your finished product.

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