Summer Projects

found it on pinterest

It’s safe to say I have a bit of a Pinterest problem. I love the site and its possibilities: more cute things than you could possible ever craft, make or do in a lifetime. It’s a lot of fun, but from time to time I get a little Pinterest guilt because I’m pinning a lot […]

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my family

My husband and I have been together a long time. Like, 16 years. We first started dating back in 1996, and we’ve lived together, other than a couple of summers I was away working, for almost 15 years. Wow. But it was 10 years ago today that we said out loud those words that so […]

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Craft Gossip Fork & Talk Recap

ek success craft products

A rare confluence of crafty goodness made it so four editors from the highly addictive website Craft Gossip happen to live in Central Arkansas. Because of that happy circumstance, Little Rock gets to host an annual meetup of crafty bloggers known as the Fork & Talk. The event is sponsored by EK Success, the crafty […]

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Getting Spring Started


Even though Easter is a moving holiday, it seems like when we had a big yard garden we always planted the weekend of Easter or right around then (maybe because the garden centers are empty when everyone else is at church?). It’s been feeling like summer, not even spring, for a few weeks here, but […]

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This is What Normal People Do

diamond brocade knitting

The last two Saturday nights my parents have come over to watch the Bit so my sweetie and I could go out (thanks, guys!). This is unprecedented in our life as parents, going out two weekends in a row. We’re growing up! Last week we went to see John Carter, which would not have been […]

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