Cleanup Time with Mrs. Meyer’s

mrs meyers dish soap review

I’m not a particularly good housekeeper, but I am trying to do better. Lately I’ve been trying to stick to a schedule of working in different rooms on different days of the week, as well as staying on top of the handwash dishes (mostly pots, pans and good knives) that seem to get out of […]

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A Winner and New Stuff

I should have mentioned a couple of days ago that the winner of the Knit Red book is commenter 7, Judy, who said Both my father and my husband’s father died at an early age from heart attacks. Almost all the siblings in my family suffer from high risk factors for heart attack. We are […]

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Mending Time

fixed straps

I am, apparently, hell on straps on summer dresses and tops. Or at least my washing machine is. I had a maxi dress and a top that ended up with completely broken straps, and other maxi that was in danger of detaching from the dress (that one was a design flaw, because on closer inspection […]

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