Putting Yourself Out There

One of the cool things about being a mama writer where I live is that there is a great community of writer mamas around here. Whether bloggers, magazine publishers, website owners or book authors, lots of ladies here are sharing their experience with each other and the world. It was because of this community and […]

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Getting Creative

glue art canvas

I like to think of myself as a creative person. If I got to pick a word that I would hope people used when they described me, it would be creative. I’m not sure that comes across in my daily life (certainly not in my wardrobe!) but I really think that making things and using […]

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Meeting Your Goals with Tiny Steps

I love making resolutions and goal lists. So much so that I don’t only do it at the beginning of the year. I tend to rethink my direction in the spring and fall as well, or whenever I’m feeling funky and in need of change. Well, I guess I’m feeling pretty funky and in need […]

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Finishing It Up

I used to, at the beginning of 2011, have an occasional feature on my knitting site called “Finish it up Friday.” One of my resolutions had been to either finish or frog (that’s knitter-speak for ripping out a project) as many of my on-the-needles projects as possible. It didn’t last very long, but it was […]

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The Case for Taking Pictures with Our Kids

Yesterday was our monthly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, and this month our speaker was a professional photographer and mom who specializes in taking pictures of kids and families. She was there to tell us how to take better pictures of our kids, but she was also there to give us a talking to about […]

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