Way back on day 3 I posted an idea for drawing with your non-dominant hand. I have also seen projects where people draw with both hands at the same time, presumably producing something sort of like a mirror image. In my case, huge emphasis on “sort of.” This is a fun, mind-bending project that only […]
Make a Junk Drawer Collage {Craft Challenge, Day 71}
Do you have a junk drawer or a place where you collect random little things that are left over from projects or you aren’t quite sure where but that you’d don’t want to get rid of or know what to do with? Admittedly, I have little collections of things all over, but I do have […]
White Crayon and Watercolors {Craft Challenge, Day 70}
After yesterday’s playing with crayons and watercolors, I couldn’t resist doing another variation of that technique. This is a classic for kids but it’s fun for adults, too, because it’s like writing a secret message to yourself. Working with White Crayon and Watercolors Here again all you need is a crayon and a piece of […]
Draw Shadow Flowers {Craft Challenge, Day 68}
I really hate that I’m not good at drawing. Today’s challenge was meant to be drawing flowers, but I just could not get it even close to right. Laughably bad. And while I don’t have time to learn to draw right now, I would really love to, so I hope I can make myself make […]
Make a Washi Tape Rainbow
It’s National Craft Month (though, honestly, who really needs a special month to think about crafting?) and a bunch of bloggers are joining forces to share colorful, creative crafts that will get you inspired, too. This week’s theme is all about colorful crafts, and I thought about the fantastic colorful rolls of tape we inherited […]
Make Tissue Paper Flowers
Here’s another creative idea that was inspired by a book, though the book version is immensely more detailed and cuter. The inspiring project is the Cut Tissue Paper Greeting Card by Cynthia Shaffer in the book Beautiful Paper Cutting. Hers really is beautiful, with pretty layers of flowers and cardstock cutouts of stems and a […]
Draw with Paint Pens
We’ve covered our slow art canvases with paint, paper, more paint and fabric, and now it’s time to draw. I had some paint pens I’d purchased for a long-ago project that I decided to use to draw with paint pens on my canvas. Admittedly, my canvas was a little busy for a drawing, and my […]