Draw with Your Eyes Closed {Craft Challenge, Day 76}

Draw with your eyes closed for a whole-brain challenge.

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There are lots of little drawing activities you can try to give yourself a little creative boost through the day. Draw with your eyes closed for a whole-brain challenge.

One of them, which is another great mind-bending challenge, is to draw with your eyes closed.

You can doodle or scribble or actually try to draw something that looks like something.

You can also try really hard not to peek. I feel like some of mine came out better than others because I might have looked really fast to position my pencil before drawing some more. Not sure, though.

I drew a tree and a birdtree bird eyes closed drawing

a person, a flower, person and flower drawn with eyes closed

a butterfly and a heart.butterfly heart eyes closed drawing

Then I tried to draw a mermaid and a more detailed flower drawing with eyes closed

and a little star. star drawing with eyes closed

I know toward the end I was getting better at keeping my eyes closed, which is why my mermaid didn’t come out so well.

This was really fun and it takes just a couple of minutes to make a few drawings. Do this all day instead of checking Facebook when you need a work break and you will definitely feel happier and more creative. And make sure you show me what you come up with!

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