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Way back on day 3 I posted an idea for drawing with your non-dominant hand. I have also seen projects where people draw with both hands at the same time, presumably producing something sort of like a mirror image.
In my case, huge emphasis on “sort of.”
This is a fun, mind-bending project that only takes a minute or two and you can do it wherever you are. Just grab some paper (I used an ever-present index card) and a couple of pencils or pens and see what you can do.
I started simple, with a heart shape.
It might be a good idea to tape your paper down before you try this, because it does want to move around without a hand to hold it.
Then I tried a flower. My left hand is definitely shakier and less confident than my right.
For laughs, I then tried a person. It was not supposed to be scary looking, but there it is.
Using both hands at once ignites both sides of the brain, which could lead to all kinds of creative sparks.
And of course you don’t have to try to draw the same thing at the same time with both hands. Try doodling, or scribbling or drawing loops instead. Whatever you do, you’re giving your brain and your creativity a workout.
If you try this one I’d love to see your results or hear how it went for you!