How to Sew Bra Cups into a Dress

Why would you sew bra cups into a dress? So you don’t have to wear an actual bra! This is the solution for summer dresses with spaghetti straps that are hanging out in your closet instead of getting worn because you hate wearing strapless bras. It can’t just be me. Making Clothes Better One of […]

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Turn a T-Shirt into a Tank Top

I wear tank tops instead of bras as my base layer, so when my T-shirts get grungy, knowing how to turn a T-shirt into a tank top is a great way to get more use out of them. This is a quick and not totally perfect version of the process. If you want to wear […]

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How to Use a PDF Sewing Pattern

I’m about to start sewing a new project as I write this, so I thought it would be a great time to share how to use a PDF sewing pattern in case you’ve never done it before. You’ll need a lot of space and some time to put it together, but it’s not difficult at […]

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Easy Sewing Patterns for Beginners

These easy sewing patterns are not just for beginners, but anyone looking for quick projects to make for themselves, as gifts or charity projects. If You’re a Total Beginner Want to test your sewing skills before you start a sewing project? Printable sewing practice worksheets are a great place to start. I love these from […]

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Easy Shorts Sewing Patterns

A few years ago I wrote a post about women’s shorts sewing patterns, and it has consistently been a popular post. It reminds me that I need to sew more shorts and that I need to share more patterns for shorts. Sewing your own shorts is great because you can customize them for the level […]

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Easy Easter Sewing Patterns

These easy Easter sewing patterns are perfect for stitchers of any skill level to decorate for spring. For a family that doesn’t really celebrate Easter I feel like I’ve done a lot of Easter crafting through the years, and there is just so much cute stuff it’s kind of impossible to resist! Easter Basket Sewing […]

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How to Add Pockets to Pants

I decided this winter I wanted to add pockets to pants I own that didn’t already have pockets — mostly the fleece lounge pants that I wear all the time because I work from home. It turns out it’s really easy to add pockets to pants that have a seam along the outside, and now […]

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