Rock Painting

rock painting

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Yesterday I told you while you were out gathering leaves to paint that you should pick up a rock, too. We’re going to use it today in a simple rock painting activity.

All you need for this one is a rock, some paint and a paintbrush or two. rock painting

I decided mine kind of looked like a head. First I wanted to paint it orange, but not bright orange, so I mixed a couple of colors to get this kind of Creamsicle color that I really like.

I let the dry, then I added some spots, eyes, nostrils and a grin with some paint the girl had left over from an early morning painting project.

It looks less like a head now that it’s painted (which I why I resisted to urge to call this a pet rock challenge) but it’s still interesting.

Going with the Flow

This project reminded me that sometimes it’s really good to not care what happens, to just try something and see how it turns out, to go with the creative flow.

I didn’t know what color I was going to get when I mixed those two, but I knew I could use it and it would be fine.

I’m not in love with the spots, but it doesn’t matter. It’s still a finished thing — and done is always better than perfect — and a pure reflection of my creative choices in that moment.

It’s not about thinking, it’s about doing.

And getting out of the thinking part of your head always produces great results, even if they’re not quite what the thinking mind had, well, in mind.

[Tweet “Sometimes getting into the creative flow can start with something as simple as painting a rock.”]

I don’t know exactly how to capture that, but I think it starts with making little things that don’t feel all that important, that you’re not that invested in.

Like painting a rock.

What do you think? How do you get into the flow, the place where planning and thinking and conscious decision making don’t exist? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

And if this challenge inspires you, I’d love to see what you make when you go with the flow. Tag me with #ourdailycraft.

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