Do Something that Scares You {Craft Challenge, Day 118}

Do something that scares you. It's a great feeling to conquer it!

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Is there something craft-related that scares you? Not so scary that you would never try it (that’s probably me with woodworking and welding, because I’m somewhat accident prone), but scary that you really wish you could do?Do something that scares you. It's a great feeling to conquer it!

I have two major activities in that category: sewing zippers and using a serger.

I always wanted a serger and I bought myself one on Amazon during a Black Friday sale maybe four years ago? Nope, it was five years ago, which I know because I opened it up, took a picture of it in the box, blogged about it, then left it in the box for more than five years.serger in box

You guys, I never ever took it out of the box.

Not only did I never use it, it had never even been on my desk or craft table.serger on table

Well, it’s there now.


I know I’m being silly, but all those threads. There are knives involved. It really is scary. I promise.

So, I took it out of the box.

I started watching Craftsy’s Sew With Your Serger: Quick & Easy Projects class, taught by Amy Alan of Really Homemade. I got through the part of lesson two where she explains what all the parts of the serger are.

She then goes into how to thread the machine, but I figured since mine was still threaded from the factory, surely I could stitch something up really quickly without watching that part.

So I did.

I grabbed a scrap of fabric that was on my desk and turned it into a little pocket. serger pouch

It took less than a minute, and I had successfully serged something.

It was pretty awesome.

It’s just barely too short to hold my phone, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something to stick inside.

And I’ve already moved on to other things.

That class even has a project that includes a zipper, so that fear could be conquered pretty soon, too.

What crafty thing are you afraid of? Can you try it today, or make steps to try it soon? I’d love to hear about it!

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