Do Something You’ve Never Done Before {Craft Challenge, Day 119}

Challenge yourself to do something you've never done before.

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This is, in a way, a continuation of yesterday’s challenge to do something that scares you, at least for me. I wanted to keep playing with my serger, of course, so in a way just making something with my serger is a way to do something you’ve never done before for me.

But I wanted to make it a little more new, so I decided to make some shorts. Challenge yourself to do something you've never done before.

I can’t say I’ve literally never made shorts before, but if I have, it was a very long time ago and it might not have been successful. My memory is hazy.

This was also a useful thing, because it is getting hot already, and I seem to have KonMaried all my sleeping shorts when I lazy KonMaried my clothes last year.

This time they turned out well. I’m not modeling them because it is way too early in the season for that much of my leg to be on the Internet.

They’re super comfortable and were actually really easy to make.

I basically used the Easy Women’s Boxer Shorts pattern from Jessica Abbott, and I think piecing together the pattern took longer than sewing it did. easy women's boxer shorts sewing

I did the whole thing on the serger except the waistband, which was the one thing I changed on the project. I added two inches to the top so I could use elastic with a casing for the waistband instead of exposed elastic, mostly because I didn’t have any, but I also think enclosed elastic is more comfortable. serged hem colorful

And yes, I still haven’t threaded the machine, so they have crazy colored thread. I don’t mind. I might make another pair just the same (or a little longer if I have enough fabric).

It turns out shorts aren’t that scary, either.

Can you do something you’ve never done before today? If you do, I’d love to hear about it. Or if you have something in mind but can’t do it today, I’d love to know your plan.

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