Cool Summer Art Made Easy with Frozen Paint

frozen paint sensory activity

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Frozen paint is a fun sensory experience that comes out more like chalk than paint — at least when you freeze it for years. Affiliate links included for your convenience. 

Years ago I started making liquid watercolors for the girl, and sometimes I will freeze liquid watercolors for a fun summer sensory experience that’s perfect for when it’s hot outside.

You can paint on paper, the sidewalk or your body, and it’s relatively easily washable (it is made with food coloring, so it can stain clothes and temporarily color skin).

I think it was a couple of years ago that I froze some regular paint.

I don’t know what I thought would happen, but I figured some day we would pull it out and see.

frozen paint chalk sensory activity

How to Make Frozen Paint

All you need to make frozen paint is an ice cube tray, some washable paint (we love the Colorations brand — beautiful colors and it lasts forever) and little craft sticks or something else to use as holders for the paint.

Fill the ice cube vessels with a few good squeezes of paint. Stick in a stick and freeze overnight (or over years).

Using Frozen Paint

It took years, but the girl finally discovered it, probably when looking for ice cream, and asked me what it was.

I told her it was frozen paint sort of like the frozen watercolors. She grabbed some paper, took it outside and was immediately frustrated because it was hard to make marks with. I was very faint and kind of powdery in consistency.

Which gave me an idea.

Since it’s washable paint, I suggested she try it on the sidewalk.

And it worked.

The effect was a lot like sidewalk chalk, but somehow more fun because of the cold format.

She also liked using a wet paintbrush to add effects like a smiling face and polka dots. It also works as an eraser.

The colors are vibrant and you can use whatever colors of paint you have. And it will just wash up with water when you’re done. Bonus: because it’s more freeze-dried than frozen paint, it doesn’t melt.

Because I wondered what would happen if you didn’t leave paint in your freezer for years, and it seems the trick to making real frozen paint is adding a bit of water to the paint before you freeze it. Check out all the info on that from Hands on as We Grow.

Need another way to keep cool while you play outside? Try this fizzy frozen science project.

Do you have any artistic or creative ways to beat the heat and play outside in the summer? I’d love to hear about them.

frozen paint sensory play

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