Some days require a simple, fun challenge, and today was one of those days. One-line drawings, also known as continuous line drawings or contour drawings, are pretty much exactly what they sound like: you draw something all in one line, without ever picking up the pen or pencil as you go. It’s actually a kind […]
Found Object Drawings
Today’s challenge is all about seeing common things in a different way. And you can do it wherever you are. Pick up a couple of things from your desk, bedside table, junk drawer, countertop. I picked a paper clip and a flat circle magnet, both on my counter from when husband cleaned out the junk […]
Play with Hand Lettering
Today’s randomly chosen creative activity was to play with fancy lettering of your name or a word or phrase that you love. I decided to play with my name. Hand Lettering Your Name I grabbed an index card and a few different pens, Sharpies and markers and started writing my name in different styles. I […]
Creating on Old Art
I’ve had this random painting for a long time. On a ripped piece of paper, I’m pretty sure I made it using up paint left over from one of the girl’s projects. It was on my inspiration wire for a long time, because it’s so cheerful, and even though it’s a simple little thing I […]
Scribble Time
Now that we have these great empty books, it’s time to get them from being empty to having something in them as quickly as possible. I find that when I have nice books, or even books I’ve made or that are made for the purpose of art journaling, it can be difficult to start. The […]
Draw a Self Portrait
I’ve had a longstanding goal to get better at drawing (and have had a barely cracked copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain for years) but I never really take the time to practice. It’s something I want to do more of this year and I will probably end up including drawing […]
Drawing with Your Non-Dominant Hand
I am really strongly dominantly right handed. I can eat using my left hand, and button buttons, but when it comes to writing, crafting and other hand work my right hand is the boss. Even though I know how to knit holding the yarn in my left hand, and people who work that way say […]