Make a Halloween Fairy Garden Centerpiece

Make a Halloween fairy garden centerpiece for your table.

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Last year I bought a couple of fairy garden pieces with a Halloween theme, a little witch fairy, a pumpkin and a little black cat. (I’m not finding them available but I love theseĀ  harvest signs, witch and little ghosts as an alternative.)

I didn’t do anything with them last year, but this year I decided I really wanted to make a Halloween fairy garden.

But instead of doing an outdoor fairy garden, I wanted to be able to use it to replace the centerpiece on our table (which has been a bowl full of shells since we got back from our vacation).Make a Halloween fairy garden centerpiece for your table.

Initially I thought I wanted to make it out of a plastic Halloween pumpkin, but I had no idea how I was going to cut it to make a way you could actually place things in the fairy garden.

Luckily I realized on a recent trip to Jo-Ann that someone makes foam pumpkins with a hole cut out already for this very purpose.

Once you have that piece a Halloween fairy garden can come together really quickly.

Making a Halloween Fairy Garden Centerpiece

Here’s what you’ll need to make your own Halloween fairy garden:

  • foam diorama pumpkin or a carveable pumpkin (cut out a space for the garden with a craft knife)
  • orange and brown paint (I used Apple Barrel in color Jack-o-Lantern and FolkArt in Bark Brown)
  • paintbrushes (I used a regular one for the brown and a foam one for the orange)
  • items to go inside your pumpkin

First, paint the pumpkin if it is not already orange. I did most of the outside one day, then the inside and the bottom the next day. You will probably want to do two coats on the outside to cover all the foam. I painted the stem brown but you can make it green if you’d rather.Make a Halloween fairy garden centerpiece for your table.

Add fairy garden items. I used a bit of moss I already had for the base, then added my fairy witch, pumpkin and cat.

The little bunting was made with leftover Halloween fabric from the table covering I made last year. Toothpicks will help it stand up inside.

I also made some leaves out of felt, using a pattern template from Craft-a-Day as a rough guide (which I totally forgot I had used before).Make a Halloween fairy garden centerpiece for your table.

I’m putting mine on the dining room table, but of course you can use your Halloween fairy garden wherever you like. I’m sure the girl is going to love it!

Do you do table decor for Halloween? I’d love to hear what you’re working on.

Related: Trick or Treat Table | Easy kid craft centerpiece


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