Sound Games with Easter Eggs

guess sound easter egg

I guess it’s not really time — or just barely time — for crafts and ideas involving Easter eggs, but all my spring holiday stuff is in the same storage bag so we’ve had Easter eggs floating around for a while. And the girl likes playing with them in lots of different ways, but commonly […]

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Clean Out the Fridge Green Smoothies

green smoothie recipe

I have always wanted to be the sort of person who drinks green smoothies. Don’t people who drink green smoothies (or, even more so, who juice) seem healthier and somehow better than the rest of us? The problem is I never really make an effort to buy all the things that are required to regularly […]

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What Could You Do in 30 Days?

meditation cats

It’s said — though it’s not really true — that it takes 21 days to make a habit, to change something in your life that you don’t like or to start doing something different. What would happen if, instead of making and discarding New Year’s resolutions, you decided to take on one task or habit […]

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