Embroider a Word on Fabric {Craft Challenge, Day 125}

Stitch a word on fabric to make it more fun

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Last week I made some fabric out of scraps and told you I would be doing something with it this week.

The first thing I did was to embroider a word on the fabric to make it a little more fun.Stitch a word on fabric to make it more fun

It happened there was a nice solid blue patch that was perfect for this purpose, but of course you can stitch on patterned fabric as well.

All you need to do this is some fabric, a fabric marking pencil or pen if you want to write out the word before you sew, and some embroidery floss or yarn and a sewing needle. An embroidery hoop is helpful, but not essential.

To make mine extra fancy I used variegated embroidery floss, because I bought some a long time ago and never use it.embroider a word on fabric

I drew on the word “exhale” in my regular handwriting, but you can use whatever word you like and can do it in funky letters or however you would like.stitching a word on fabric

Then just stitch over the writing.

I sort of used back stitch, but I didn’t do a great job, and the size of my stitches and the space between them varies pretty widely. I don’t mind.stitched word on fabric

I love the look of this in the hoop so much I kind of wanted to keep it that way, but I had other plans.

Have you ever stitched words on fabric like this? I’d love to hear about it, or see your results if you try out this challenge. Tag me with #ourdailycraft to let me see your work.

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