I have to admit I haven’t been feeling all that creative lately. The girl has not been sleeping well, so I (and husband) have not been sleeping well, and when I’m not well rested its harder for me to come up with ideas or have the energy to create. But this week I’m really trying […]
Create With a Kid (Or Like a Kid) {Creativity Boosts}
One of my favorite things to do when I don’t feel much like creating is to make some art with the girl. Sometimes she doesn’t even want me to sit at the table while she’s doing “projects,” but sometimes she invites me to join in and sometimes I ask if I can create alongside her. […]
Decorative Doodles
If you’re having trouble seeing the point of doing doodles or how they’re really constructive, try this little art project. Pick a word. It could be a name, something you aspire to, or even just the first letter of your name, if you’re rather. Write the word or letter in block letters. I used printer […]
Take Time to Doodle {Creativity Boosts}
I know a lot of people feel they couldn’t possibly take time to be creative. Life is full enough with jobs, family, other commitments and still trying to find time to bathe and sleep; adding in creative time can seem overwhelming. Part of this month is about inspiring you to take that time and showing […]
Hold Onto Inspiration {Creativity Boosts}
Do you ever see inspiring pictures or quotes but don’t have a system for keeping them? That’s what we’re working on today. It can be as simple as a physical file folder if you tend to rip things out of magazines or print things out. I have a Pinterest board called visuals that I keep […]
Don’t Think {Creativity Boosts}
I love quotes about creativity because they remind us of things we already know. I’ll be sharing some of my favorites this month. If you have favorite quotes of your own, I’d love to hear them. This week’s comes from Ray Bradbury, who certainly knew a lot about being creative and getting things done. So […]
Craft-A-Day Book Review {Creativity Boosts}
I’m a big fan of making things and building creativity into your daily life, so I bought the book Craft-A-Day: 365 Simple Homemade Projects by Sarah Goldschadt when it popped up in a bundle with something else I was buying on Amazon without looking into it at all. (Speaking of, that’s an Amazon link but […]