Make a Monogram {Craft Challenge, Day 88}

Make a monogram by hand or using an online program

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Whenever I’m stumped for ideas, I like to play with fonts and writing in different ways. A while back I did a post with writing your name in different ways, and today I decided to play with my initials. Make a monogram by hand or using an online program

How to Make a Monogram

Traditionally monograms are a graphic representation of your initials, with the last name initial in the middle and often larger than the others. I like my initials in the traditional order — SEW instead of SWE — so I played with both.

Here are three easy ways you can make a monogram for yourself. mark and graham monogram maker

Use the super fun monogram maker at Mark and Graham. Just put in your initials and it automatically generates monograms in a variety of styles. You can even change the color. So fun. canva monograms

Use Canva or another online graphic design program. I picked out a simple circle and just played with fonts using my initials. hand drawn monograms

Draw it yourself. Like with the name challenge, just try to come up with different ways to form the letters, more like drawing than writing. The green one is my favorite, I think, even with the initials not in my preferred order.

If you try to make a monogram yourself, I’d love to see the results or to know how the experience was for you. This is an easy one that doesn’t require inspiration but still counts as being creative, which is exactly what I needed today.

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