Take Yourself to the Library

Take yourself to the library and check out anything that inspires you.

This challenge is not always about making something. It is about feeling more inspired and creative in your life in general. One way to do that is to seek out things that inspire you, whether that’s going somewhere pretty and reading a book, shopping at a store you’ve never been to before, or going to […]

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Decorate an Old CD

make art with an old CD

This is one of those crafts that didn’t work out quite the way I envisioned, but I still really like it. Odds are good most of us have some old CDs lying around, whether music or data or even an old DVD you never watch anymore. Today I want you to use one — or […]

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Designate a Travel Project

Do you have a creative project you take with you? Why you need a travel project and how to choose one.

Piggybacking on yesterday’s challenge about creating where you are, this becomes much easier if you always have a project with you, which can happen when you designate a travel project. Benefits of a Travel Project If you have something you can carry with you, you’re more likely to be creative in those gap moments like […]

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Create Where You Are

Create where you are with what you have to get making into even busy days.

I’m kind of astounded that I’ve made it 50 days into this project. I’m so glad I’ve done it, because it’s nice to work a little bit of creativity into every day, and to share simple ways that you can do it, too. The girl is not always ready to leave school when I come […]

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Make One-Line Drawings

Make a drawing using only one line.

Some days require a simple, fun challenge, and today was one of those days. One-line drawings, also known as continuous line drawings or contour drawings, are pretty much exactly what they sound like: you draw something all in one line, without ever picking up the pen or pencil as you go. It’s actually a kind […]

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Make a Creativity Station

Make a creativity station to keep tools handy where you use them.

I’ve been trying to keep my desk cleared off more often than not (daily just does not work for me), but part of the problem is that my craft supplies live in my closet, which is across the room from my desk. It’s literally seven steps away, but it feels like too much of a […]

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Bottle Cap Bead Magnets

Easy craft bottle cap magnets

We regularly have people over on Sunday nights, and this past Sunday I noticed a bottle cap on the counter and decided I wanted to use it in some kind of craft. It also happens that not too long ago (when I taught sewing at the girl’s school) I had cleaned out some of my […]

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